Document 0605 DOCN M9460605 TI Immunologic and virologic effects of glucocorticoids on human immunodeficiency virus infection in children: a preliminary study. DT 9408 AU Ferdman RM; Church JA; Childrens AIDS Center, Childrens Hospital Los Angeles, CA. SO Pediatr Infect Dis J. 1994 Mar;13(3):212-6. Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE MED/94232703 AB The immune dysfunction in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is complex and cannot be explained solely on the basis of numerical depletion of T lymphocytes. Inappropriate, uncontrolled activation of the immune system may be involved. In a test of this hypothesis, five HIV-infected children were prospectively treated with prednisone and selected immunologic and virologic indices were analyzed. Subjects had marked T lymphopenia (CD4+ T lymphocytes < 500 cells/ml) and antigenemia (serum p24 antigen > 30 pg/ml) and were free of opportunistic infections. There was a significant drop in serum p24 antigen concentrations from baseline (60.2 +/- 10.1% SEM; P < 0.005) 4 weeks after initiation of prednisone, which returned to baseline concentrations as the prednisone was tapered. Concomitant with this decrease, there was decreased expression of cell surface activation markers (HLA-DR, CD25 (interleukin 2 receptor) and CD26 (Ta-1)) in peripheral T lymphocytes. There was no significant change in either T lymphocyte subset numbers or mitogen and antigen-specific lymphoproliferation. A regulatory dysfunction of the immune system, allowing inappropriate activation of T lymphocytes, may be involved in the pathogenesis of HIV disease, and further studies involving selective immunosuppression in HIV disease are warranted. DE Child Child, Preschool CD4-CD8 Ratio Human HIV Core Protein p24/*BLOOD HIV Infections/*IMMUNOLOGY/MICROBIOLOGY Leukocyte Count Lymphocyte Transformation Phenotype Prednisone/*PHARMACOLOGY Prospective Studies T-Lymphocyte Subsets/*IMMUNOLOGY T4 Lymphocytes/*IMMUNOLOGY JOURNAL ARTICLE SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).